Wearable AECG Technology

It is no secret that wearable health technology is evolving in the forefront of medicine in all areas. The medical market has long discovered that more data equals an improvement for risk stratification and improving patient outcomes. This holds true in virtually all areas of medicine. ECG monitoring is leading the forefront of wearable monitoring technologies.

Ambulatory ECG (or AECG) monitoring is a necessary diagnostic tool for clinicians to investigating a variety of symptoms plus provide a sound understanding a patient’s underlying health. For the past few decades, clinical trials have almost unanimously supported the need for longer term monitoring to lead to an increased diagnostic yield and find many transient, often asymptomatic arrhythmis such as atrial fibrillation. The issue in the past has always been patient compliance. To be realistic, what patient is really willing to wear a traditional monitor for any extended period of time?

The answer to the marry the need to increase diagnostic yields with longer term monitoring and satisfy / improve patient compliance has been the advent of wearable AECG monitoring technologies. First on the scene has been the wearable patch. The wearable patch such as the EZecg Patch has proven to be an exceptional tool for clinicians, staff as well as patients. The wearable patch solves many limitations & shortfalls of traditional 24 holter monitoring by providing exponentially more data. The wearable patch has been a tremendous breakthrough with ambulatory ECG monitoring but after the hype has started to settle, many clinicians are finding many limitations to the patch.

Some of limitations of most AECG patch monitors:

  • Risk of mis-diagnosis due to only one view of the heart
  • Adverse skin reaction for extended monitoring durations
  • Adhesion issues for monitoring periods over 7+ days
  • Long term around time for report generation
  • Limited, poor flexibility with reimbursement structures compared to other monitoring options

The wearable AECG Patch remains an easy & useful clinical tool for clinicians with many patients but it is proven to lack any real depth in reliable, reproducible analysis compared to other monitoring solutions. For example, patients with complex arrhythmias can often be mis-diagnosed or limited in scope due to the fact that many arrhythmias are difficult to decipher the origin with just one vector.  With a single channel patch, it is often difficult to differentiate between atrial & ventricular arrhythmias. This can be an issue for complex patients. The patch is ideal only for shorter term monitoring to identify R to R intervals for A Fib and examine changes in heart rate.  Clinician confidence in using the patch for identifying true origin of various arrhythmias has declined now that the hype of patch monitoring has settled.

New Generation Wearable AECG Monitors


EZecg Patch

EZecgPatch is the most versatile ambulatory cardiac (AECG) monitoring patch in the industry. The EZecg Patch from Hemodynamics Co. is most widely used for extended Holter monitoring (also known as Long Term Continuous AECG monitoring).

Hemodynamics Co has a new version wearable that is capable of performing 4 separate AECG studies in one single integrated device. For more details, please inquire.


ReelWearable+ Plus from ReelCardio can perform 24-48 hour continuous, real-time Holter monitoring, Long Term Continuous ECG (Extended Holter) monitoring, Cardiac Event Monitoring & Mobile Cardiac Telemetry (MCT) Monitoring.

As most of us know, the advent of real-time wearable AECG monitoring technologies has pioneered a whole new segment of cardiac monitoring for clinicians, patient’s & medical staff. Wearable AECG Monitoring is here to stay but the market is now demanding wearable technology to improve the findings of extended AECG monitoring.

It is well established that stroke as a result of A Fib is on the rise. In addition to more and more cases being discovered, the early detection of A Fib remains a mystery as the market has not had a real useful non invasive tool to help clinicians & patients find short, random asymptomatic A Fib. Today’s physicians are armed only with wearable ECG patch, implantable loop recorders or an old fashion / traditional cardiac monitor. This poses an issue for clinicians (and ultimately patients) as the there are significant limitations with the single channel patch, patient compliance issues with old fashion monitors for extended monitoring and lastly, most patients do not want a foreign object inserted into the body. However now there is a solution… The solutions are real-time AECG monitoring technologies such as the ReelWearable+ Plus or EZecg Patch from Hemodynamics Co.

EZecg Patch is the most unique wearable AECG monitor to hit the US market since the iRhythm ZIO Patch. The ReelWearable+ Plus has many significant technological advantages over single channel patch or traditional cardiac monitoring that is proving rise above all other options for monitoring longer than 2 days / >48 hours.

Patients that qualify for the Hemodynamics wearable technologies can include:

  • Traditional symptoms:
    • Chest pain
    • Shortness of Breath (SOB)
    • Dizziness
    • Syncope / Passing Out
    • Palpitations
    • Skipped beats
  • Post Stroke / TIA
  • Post Myocardial infarction
  • Atrial Fibrillation (A Fib) monitoring
  • Known transient cardiac arrhythmias
  • Transient symptoms -> suspected arrhythmias
  • Patients with established chronic complex arrhythmias

For questions or to inquire about our technology & services, please Contact Us by email at Sales@Hemodynamics.Co or by phone at (832) 520-0179.